We publish a monthly Magazine with ten editions per year. It contains a range of articles with some 'in-house' material to articles of wider concern. Many local firms advertise their services and we are grateful for their support for St John's.
Magazines, costing £1 per issue, (£10 for the whole year) are available from the back of church, delivered within Menston village or can be posted. Please get in touch with the Magazine Distributors via the Parish Office if you wish to subscribe.
The Magazine is published and printed entirely 'in house'. The final process of collating and stapling the pages is undertaken by one of three teams. They have a great deal of fun undertaking this vital task which enables the Magazine to make a contribution to church funds each year. New recruits are always welcome!
If you're interested in advertising in our magazine, which gets around 250 readers a month, please contact us,
Some back copies of the Parish Magazine can be read by clicking here.