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2025 Menston Heritage Group

Our two strands of work at present relate to gathering archive material for Menston and also devising a heritage trail for Bradford City of Culture 2025.

Kirklands Trust have kindly given us the use of one of the library rooms for the archive and we will be working on setting that up this Spring.

Work is now starting on researching people and places in Menston that are worthy of being part of a trail. We are setting out a timeline and seeing how far we can go back - cup and ring stones?

We will be meeting the Creative Director for Bradford City of Culture 2025 at the end of January and it will be interesting to hear what she has to say.

Do get in touch if you are interested in getting involved.

Marilyn or via the Parish Office.

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St John the Divine, Menston Parish Church,
Burley Lane, Menston, Ilkley LS29 6EU
Registered Charity Number 11236532

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