It’s a mixed time of year with cold days still ahead of us yet signs of spring all around. Daffodils and crocuses are starting to emerge and the evenings are gradually getting lighter. There’s such a tangible connection with the season and the great hope given to us through the Easter story and the resurrection of Christ.
Hope is what sees us through when times are tough. It speaks of renewal, forgiveness and patience. As the poet Alice Freeman Palmer observes in her poem ‘On a Gloomy Easter’,
“.....My heart sings with the robins in the rain,
For I remember it is Easter morn,
And life and love and peace are all new born,
And joy has triumphed over loss and pain.
Sing on, brave robins, sing on in the rain!
You know behind the clouds the sun must shine,
You know that death means only life divine
And all our losses turn to heavenly gain…..”