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We are excited to announce that work on St John's church roof is now COMPLETE!

A big thank you to everyone involved in the fundraising and giving that made this possible. In particular we would like to thank: 

Garfield Weston Foundation for their grant of £7500.


- Allchurches Trust for their grant of £3000.

- Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust for their grant of £4000.

- The Diocese of Leeds for their grant of  £1000.


- The congregation of St John's and the Menston community.

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Why the need ?


The main part of the roof dates back to 1871 and the side-aisle roof was added in 1886. The structure has lasted very well, but over recent years had begun to show its age.

Some slates were splitting, nails were corroding and slate slippage was becoming an increasing problem, only evident when we get drips and damp patches on the inside. When the lead sheeting in the roof valley was stolen in 1990 it was replaced by a material which, while less valuable on the black market, has proved to be less durable. In addition, some of the gutters and downpipes were cracked, allowing water to run down the exterior walls. These recurring events were not good for the fabric of the building.


The church architects have drawn attention to the deteriorating condition of the roof over the last 10 years and replacement of individual slates has been a regular requirement.


Why now?


The church architects felt that a full replacement of most of the roof covering was urgently needed if irreparable damage to the fabric of the building is to be avoided. In addition, it provides an opportunity to improve our ecocredentials by adding insulation to the roof space and reducing our heating bill.


How do we paid for it ?


- Fabric Fund - We have been building up this fund over the years, knowing that roof repairs would become necessary, but we do not currently have sufficient to fund such a major project.


- Applications to Charitable Funding Bodies - We are applying for grants from agencies that aim to preserve and refurbish church buildings.


- An appeal to the congregation - The church community are responding to an appeal for funds.  


- Fundraising events - We have many events in the pipeline to raise money! Keep an eye out on the news page/parish notes for information about upcoming events. If you have any ideas of your own for fundraising events - please get in touch! 


St John the Divine, Menston Parish Church,
Burley Lane, Menston, Ilkley LS29 6EU
Registered Charity Number 1129823

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